Program Description
The $100 CollegeBound Plan$ is a Collection of Services Designed to Help Kids and Families Prepare for College, Both Academically and Financially. The annual CollegeBound Plans membership allows parents to “Opt-In” for Guaranteed College Tuition Discounts and will guarantee families and their child $3,000 in tuition discounts (A type of Merit Award) to 400 of the best private colleges in the country for each year of their CollegeBound Plans membership. Seventeen years of continued membership would net $51,000 in guaranteed tuition up to 25% of the total four year cost of their college tuition.
The only requirement is that the student MUST qualify for acceptance to the college – This is where our member academic subscription bundle comes into play.
The Bundle Includes: • Academic Resources – Multiple K-12 lessons, plans and activities by age and subject • Directories of Nationwide Tutors – Online and local for subject and ACT | SAT testing • Online Homework Hotlines – Nationwide on-demand assistance for K-12 • Online College Planning – Counselors to guide students to “Best-Fit” schools and majors • Independent Scholarships – Access to $7 Billion in free college scholarships • Monthly eNews – Both Academic tips and Financial Savings tips every month • Tuition Discount Rewards – Parents Opt-In to build $3,000 of college tuition discounts annually*
*Note – Unused tuition credits can be shared or transferred to any other family member.
The membership savings program is $100.00 for one year. The services are targeted at families with one or more children age 1-17 who want the most affordable college education and financial opportunities. The earlier they start in this program, the more they can accrue in tuition benefits – up to $51,000 or 25% of their total college tuition expenses!

Program Eligability
The CollegeBound Plans program applies to any child, age birth to Junior year in HS,
within the expanded family of an eligible group to include: children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews,
step, adopted or God children of the member and the group’s employees.
It is a remarkable program that cannot be purchased directly by the public and, up until now,
was reserved for the financial elite in the banking, investing and luxury auto industries.
Last year it awarded more than $80 million in tuition discounts to nearly 400 of the
top private colleges in the country!
Parent's Brochure
Contact us now to see if YOU are eligible for this scholarship!