Thank you to all the participants that showed up to support our Inaugural KiDS NEED MoRE 5K & Kids Run. Belmont Lake State Park was bristling with enthusiastic runners and walkers. All of those wonderful folks came out to support KiDS NEED MoRE helping children and families coping with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. Congratulations to our male and female champions, Bohdan Hughes and Anita Mikowski.
Our Race Fundraising & Marketing Director, Jackie Lorenz said it best “we cannot do what we do without wonderful folks like those who participated today and our incredibly generous sponsors.”
Follow us on Social Media to stay up to date on upcoming events and for more info on next year’s race!

This landmark children’s oncology camp, is MoRE than a program to its members, it is what we lovingly refer to as our “Camp Family”
Click the buttons below to learn MoRE
Our programs are designed to strengthen familial bonds, through providing shared experiences for siblings, spouses, and connecting families to a safety net of support.
Saddle Rock Ranch Day Camp: July 2024
Camp Adventure Sleepaway Camp: August 2024
Holiday Cheer Bus: December 2024

KiDS NEED MoRE ViRTUAL CAMP brings FUN & FRiENDSHiP into the in the comfort of your own home. Keep your spirits high, your family engaged and feel connected with your community. Sign up for your favorite sessions, try something new, or perhaps you’d like to help run a session. CAMP PROGRAMS THIS SUMMER

Connect with children and families to spread MoRE hope, joy and friendship. From fisherman to nurse practitioners, join people from all walks of life that want to make a difference.
Please send a small gift our way and it will be put to work immediately. Because of wonderful people, like you, we are able to provide programs where children, families & young adults coping with cancer and life-threatening illness can celebrate life in a safe and positive environment.

FAMiLiES NEED MoRE of everything! KiDS NEED MoRE is dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and families coping with cancer and serious illness. We build a community of support and hope through peer mentoring, friendly visits, camp experiences, retreats, and daily events. We believe that joy, fun, and friendship heals.